Friday, February 27, 2015

What’s Really at Stake in Ellen Pao’s Kleiner Perkins Lawsuit -

What’s Really at Stake in Ellen Pao’s Kleiner Perkins Lawsuit -

It is telling that the highest-profile lawsuit of the moment in Silicon Valley isn’t about intellectual property or antitrust violations, but about sex discrimination.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Make me Jump in the very cold, polluted, inner harbour ocean water!!

Hi Friends and Family,

Now's your chance to make me jump in the ocean in February!!!  Specifically tomorrow at 4 pm!!!!

Our company, Red Brick Media, is raising money for charity....specifically the Mustard Seed Foundation:

The Mustard Seed is a non-profit organization fighting hunger and restoring faith in Greater Victoria. They provide many crucial services for any and all people in need. From food to friendship, they aim to meet the physical, relational, and spiritual needs of the whole person.
Anyway, if I raise over $100 (I am only at $10 now), I get the opportunity to jump in the very cold, polluted, inner harbour ocean water!!  Now I would be happy to not do it (hence the late date of this email) but I thought I should at least try to get into the top 5 at my company.  Right now there are several colleagues over a $100.

So how do you do it?  Go to our donation page: 

And click on the big PayPal button.  Fill out the info, including the amount, and then click to the next page to review your payment.  This is what the page will look like:

After you click on that link you will see this:

Gifts $20 and over will be acknowledged, and an official receipt will be mailed to you using the address associated with your PayPal account. If you wish to have the receipt sent to a different address please include this information in the "Special Instructions" field in PayPal before submitting your donation.

Thanks friends and family!!  I really appreciate all the donations so that you can send me into the water!!!! Please do this asap as donations only count up to 3 pm tomorrow!!  


Monday, February 23, 2015

Anti-Terror Bill Presents a 'Bogus Choice': Mulcair | The Tyee

Anti-Terror Bill Presents a 'Bogus Choice': Mulcair | The Tyee:

"What Stephen Harper is proposing is a bogus choice," Mulcair told reporters in French. "We don't have to choose between our freedoms and our safety; we have to deal with both at the same time."

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Norm Macdonald Tweeted About The SNL Anniversary & You're Gonna Want To Read Every Word: Gothamist

Norm Macdonald Tweeted About The SNL Anniversary & You're Gonna Want To Read Every Word: Gothamist:

Norm Macdonald was one of the many Saturday Night Live alum to return to Studio 8H this past Sunday for the show's big 40th anniversary blowout. Macdonald has been dismissed by some, and you can check Wikipedia for a list of his "awkward moments" on the show, but in truth, perhaps in retrospect, he was one of the show's greatest cast members—it's just possible that network television, even SNL, was not ready for his realness. Whatever it was, he was fired after about four years... but was eventually invited back to host.phpWMD0IgPM.jpg

Daring Fireball: On the Pricing of Apple Watch

Daring Fireball: On the Pricing of Apple Watch:

We greeted each other, walked in, and started staring, close-up, at the lineup. When we got to the Edition models, Vincent said, with some excitement, “This is going to cost $20,000.”

 Image result for gold edition apple watch

Article: Leading climate change denier was paid by energy companies

Leading climate change denier was paid by energy companies

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Article: Wal-Mart pay hike raises hopes of workers and shoppers

Wal-Mart pay hike raises hopes of workers and shoppers

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Article: My Own Life

My Own Life

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Article: Happy birthday, Photoshop: 25 tributes to the software that remade everything

Happy birthday, Photoshop: 25 tributes to the software that remade everything

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Article: Beards and Armpits: The Silly Sexism of 'The Walking Dead'

Beards and Armpits: The Silly Sexism of 'The Walking Dead'

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Article: This Tiny Sculpture Is Perched Atop A Human Hair

This Tiny Sculpture Is Perched Atop A Human Hair

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Article: Classic Pictures From the Oscars

Classic Pictures From the Oscars

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Article: A female computer science major at Stanford: "Floored" by the sexism

A female computer science major at Stanford: "Floored" by the sexism

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Article: Kansas Guv Wants to Fire All the Gays

Kansas Guv Wants to Fire All the Gays

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Two Best Pieces of Advice David Carr Ever Gave Me — Medium

The Two Best Pieces of Advice David Carr Ever Gave Me — Medium:

After he concluded, he sat down, smiled at me in a way that only David knew how, patted me on the back, and told me to cheer up, that it would get better, it always does. It was apparent that in his eyes we were all just broken humans trying to make it through this difficult thing called life, and he wanted to do anything he could to help this broken human.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Beacon - L1 [EP]

Beacon - L1 [EP]:

Innovative in both sound and concept, Beacon present their latest five-track EP entitled L1. An intriguing title - but what does it mean? Well, clearly, the dynamic duo hailing from Brooklyn looked to the stars for their inspiration (quite literally).
 Beacon - L1 [EP]

This Millennium Falcon Drone Can Make The Kessel Run In Less Than Twelve Parsecs | TechCrunch

This Millennium Falcon Drone Can Make The Kessel Run In Less Than Twelve Parsecs | TechCrunch

I really like the lights they have on it.


Search Stops Here, Starts Afresh On Mobile | TechCrunch

Search Stops Here, Starts Afresh On Mobile | TechCrunch

This article starts off interesting and leads down to an inevitable path....but then stops.  It needs an ending.  Increased verticalization of searches through apps is somewhat obvious in retrospect...and Google and Apple are increasingly aggregating all these function into their OS where they can either outright purchase a service or do an integration via API's (i.e. Shazam). Arguably Google is doing this better through it's 'Google Now' functionality than Apple but not everyone is enamoured with it and find it a little bit creepy.  The question is where will this end?

Article: 29 Seriously Cool Snow Sculptures That Will Make You Want Another Storm

29 Seriously Cool Snow Sculptures That Will Make You Want Another Storm

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Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Sunday, February 01, 2015