Friday, February 01, 2008

India's Party - 4 Years Old!!!

Wow how time flies. All the cliché's are true. She is growing up so fast....

India's 4rth BirthdayIndia's 4rth Birthday

India's 4rth BirthdayIndia's 4rth Birthday

Click Here for All the Party Photos

Christmas in PG - 2007

What can I say....I love going home. This was an exceptional Christmas with all of the siblings being home. Also the weather was Christmas perfect. I could go on but I will let the pictures speak for themselves:

Making Pies


Christmas Eve

Christmas 2007DSC02345_3





Basketball at Duchess



IMG_0019-1Christmas 2007

Click Here for all the Sliding Shots

Decorating the Christmas Tree

This is a tradition that Trish has instituted and I have to say I like it. India loves it and it is a good excuse to drink :-).

Decorating the TreeDecorating the Tree

Decorating the TreeDecorating the Tree

Click Here for the Whole Slideshow

India's Party Dress

For India's birthday this year she wanted a "princess party". In preparation for the party we had to get her a proper dress. A couple of days before the party, she just 'had' to model it:

India in Her Party DressIndia in Her Party Dress

Click Here for the Whole Slideshow

Halloween 2007

Wow was India into it this year. She knew she would be a purple butterfly for at least 5 months before the big day. She had a blast. At the first door she went to she said the following:

Excuse me. My name is India and it's Halloween....that means you are supposed to give me candy!!

Halloween 2007Halloween 2007

Halloween 2007Halloween 2007

Ethan and Haden

Well India has some more boys in here life. Our friends Tim and Kelly look after India and Mara every once and awhile and Trish returns the favour. Here are some shots from one of their visits:

Ethan and Hadyn Come to VisitEthan and Hadyn Come to Visit

Ethan and Hadyn Come to VisitEthan and Hadyn Come to Visit

India and Amara at the Beach

Well this is something we do not get to do much of anymore.....going to the beach. We really need to try to get there more often...there is no excuse living in Victoria. Trish took some fantastic photos...check them out:

At the BeachAt the Beach

Click Here to See the Whole Slideshow

Parent's Day at India's Dance Class

I was lucky enough to be able to attend this class with India where parents were allowed to come in and watch the class. She has been doing this for a year and obviously really enjoys it.

Parents's Day at Dance ClassParents's Day at Dance Class

Click Here to See the Whole Slideshow