Thursday, March 08, 2012

Killer Whale Submarine a killer personal submersible | Crave - CNET

Submarines are awesome. A submarine shaped like a Killer Whale is off-the-charts awesome. It can be yours for a cool $100,000.

Killer Whale Submarine

It's a whale! It's a submarine! It's a whale submarine!

(Credit: Hammacher Schlemmer)

Jules Verne had the market on imaginative submarines cornered for many long years. And then Hammacher Schlemmer came along and offered a $100,000 Killer Whale Submarine.

The Killer Whale Submarine can breach from the water, just like a real whale. It has pectoral fins with control levers and a 255-horsepower supercharged Rotax axial flow engine. I can't really explain what that is exactly, but it sounds super cool.

Posted via email from papafouche's posterous

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