Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Stephen Wolfram's Introduction to the Wolfram Language - YouTube

Stephen Wolfram's Introduction to the Wolfram Language - YouTube:

Take the time to watch this.  This could have far reaching impacts if widely adopted.

Daring Fireball: Working Backwards to the Technology

Daring Fireball: Working Backwards to the Technology:

At WWDC in 1997, Steve Jobs, having just returned to Apple, held a wide-open Q&A session. There’s video — albeit low-quality (VHS transfer?) — on YouTube. It’s a remarkable session, showing Jobs at his improvisational best.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

I, Cringely The Secret of iOS 7 - I, Cringely

I, Cringely The Secret of iOS 7 - I, Cringely:

I see the iPhone 5S and whatever follows as logical desktop replacements. They, and phones like them, will be the death of the PC.